quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

GEITINHO FACIL !!!!!!!!!!! kkkkkkkkkkkkk

eai pessoal sou o faiska100 o mod deste blog vim qui posta hj pra voces oq os outros blog nunca postan pq são puxa saco do artix e nao querem encinar a voces as meneiras mais facil de se consegui os iten dificel a final quem nunca entrou num hacker pra pegar algum iten ou pra subi de nivel e foi banido !!!!
só mais 1 coisa os hacker de shop que tem como subir de nivel nao tente voce vai leva ban!!!!
: http://www.4shared.com/dir/MufYyndv/
aqui em cima o link do hacker pra voces baixarem e aqui em baixo o numeros das quest ID

1 - First Quest
2 - Chieftain's Head
3 - Chipped Tooth
4 - Hideous Tail
5 - Funny Bone
6 - Porkon's Pride
7 - Zorbak's Reward
8 - Secret Map
9 - Farm Cleanup
10 - Pet Food Delivery
11 - Twilly's New Staff
12 - Rubber Ducky
13 - Rats off to ya!
14 - Specialty Pizza
15 - Defend the Gates
16 - Undead Invasion
20 - Robina's Quest
21 - Missing Boxes
22 - Backyard Zards
23 - Garden Snails
24 - Attic Spiders
25 - The Bone?
26 - Tempestuous Times
27 - Willow Creek
28 - Pirate's Treasure
29 - Smells Fishy to Me
30 - Salmagundi
31 - Map Recovery
32 - Defend the Rats
33 - Rats in the Cradle
35 - Short in Spoons
36 - Short in Forks
37 - Letter Interception
38 - Not A Noob
40 - Take Down
41 - Starving Pets
42 - Picky Eaters
43 - Missing Crate
44 - Wilderness
45 - Trobble Bath
46 - Home Sick
47 - Golden Shrooms
48 - Blue Feathers
49 - Flying Tails
50 - Mixing Pet
51 - Hungry for a Recipe
52 - Missing Ingredient
53 - Delicious Ingredient
54 - Recipe Needed
57 - Growing Plants
58 - Storage Speyeders
59 - Can you do it?
60 - Something in the Water
61 - Hair, Tooth and Bone
62 - Ruined Plans
63 - Bait and Switch
64 - Restocking
65 - Spear Sabotage
66 - Retaliation
67 - Camping Out
71 - Unreadable Map
72 - Fishing Bait
73 - Darkness Rising
74 - Flood of Power
75 - Trainee
76 - Endurance
77 - Path of the Warrior
78 - Mix it Up!
79 - Shadow Skills
80 - Evade and Counterstrike!
81 - Essential Magics
82 - Glimpse of the Dark Side
83 - Undead Energy
84 - Healer of Knowledge
85 - White Wizard
86 - Protection
90 - Ninja Grudge
91 - Without a Trace
92 - Hit Job
93 - Chilling Costume
94 - Candy Basket
95 - Candy Craze
96 - Chocolate Goodness
97 - Lollipop Potion
98 - Mystery Candy
99 - Can't have enough
100 - Stone Endurance

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